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Was ist ein Geburtspool?

Unser Geburtspool wurde speziell für gebärende Mütter entwickelt. Mit Hilfe ihres Feedbacks unterstützt unser Geburtspool eine sichere Wassergeburt, sowohl für Mutter als auch Kind.

Unser Geburtspool ist in zwei verschiedenen Größen erhältlich. Schauen Sie sich die Spezifikationen unten an, um herauszufinden, warum unser Geburtspool die beste Option für Sie ist..

Auswahl zwischen Regular und Mini-Größe

Manche Familien haben nur begrenzten Platz, manche Mütter wollten, dass ihr Partner sie begleitet, andere wiederum wollten so viel Freiheit wie möglich im Pool. Daher haben wir den Geburtspool in den Größen Regular (2 Personen) und Mini (1 Person) hergestellt, um diesen Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden.

Mothers requested these strong handles on the outside of the pool (2 sets, uniquely positioned) for use when leaning over the side (when birthing on knees). They are angled at 30 degrees for maximum comfort.
Mothers said they wanted a clear space to rest their heads with no distracting texts, images, or logo’s.
Midwifes indicated that some mothers needed lower sides for ease of entry and exit. By releasing air from the middle chamber and topping up the remaining top and bottom chambers, midwifes can adjust the height of the pool while ensuring a stable pool.
Mothers requested that seams be smooth where they rest their heads, hence we have created no rough edges on the pool for ultimate comfort.
Mothers requested that seams be smooth where they rest their heads, hence we have created no rough edges on the pool for ultimate comfort.
To ensure that laboring women are able to stay hydrated without having to ask for a drink, we have added a cup holder to our pool.
Midwives and mothers agreed that internal handles in the pool might obstruct full movement and prevent effective use of a liner.
The Regular (2 persons) size pool has ample space for your partner, should they want to join you. Many couples enjoy the intimacy and shared experience that being together in the pool brings.
We believe in taking advice from professionals: midwives requested a white floor to enhance visibility in the birthing pool.
Mothers wanted comfort on the birth pool floor. All our pools have a continuously inflated floor.
Mothers asked for handles to give them control over their movements in the water. They are also useful for gripping during contractions and to hold onto while getting in and out the pool.
Mothers unanimously agreed that the opaque external wall of the birthing pool increased their sense of privacy. We know that the release of oxytocin is a key factor to a successful labour and women who feel safe and private release more oxytocin.
Each pool is inflated and factory tested to ensure that it has no defects and then 5 - 10% are randomly sampled and tested again by independent inspectors. The sides are strong enough to allow a 95 Kg person to sit or lean on them. Midwives and birth partners love the width of the sides of the birth pool.
Midwives and mothers agreed that a drain plug was an unnecessary weak link in a birthing pool.
Mothers liked the perception of larger space created by having a clear inner wall
Some mothers wanted to be cocooned while others wanted space, so we designed the pool in an egg-shape. The seat in the narrower end with the top handles is a very popular place for women to sit in between contractions.
Midwifes indicated that some mothers needed lower sides for ease of entry and exit. By releasing air from the middle chamber and topping up the remaining top and bottom chambers, midwifes can adjust the height of the pool while ensuring a stable pool.
Mothers requested these strong handles on the outside of the pool (2 sets, uniquely positioned) for use when leaning over the side (when birthing on knees). They are angled at 30 degrees for maximum comfort.

Haben Sie sich für eine Wassergeburt in einem unserer Geburtspools entschieden?

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