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Carefree birth in water

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The world's most widely used birthing pool, now with a fresh look. Birth Pool in a Box is now also available in white.

European market leader

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Always on stock

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Compensation for no use

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Delivery & collection

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Water Birth

Giving birth in water has many advantages. We would like to inform you about giving birth in water, the birthing pool and its advantages.

Natural form of pain relief

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Relaxation between contractions

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You have freedom of movement

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Peaceful start for the baby

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At home or in more than 40 hospitals

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More about Water BirthMOTHERS' EXPERIENCES

Birth Pool in a Box

Developed together with pregnant women and midwives.
Birthpools is the official partner of Birth Pool in a Box for Europe.

Water stays at the right temperature

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With an integrated seat

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The world's most widely used birth pool

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Recommended by midwives

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Most widely used birth pool in hospitals

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Why do you buy from us?

Arranged from A to Z

Everything about receiving, setting up, filling, using, emptying, cleaning and returning our birth pool can be seen in this video.

Everything you need for your bath delivery

Buy or rent a birth pool with a complete water birth kit.

Birth Pool in a Box is an all-in-one system

With the Birth Pool in a Box liner, giving birth in the birth pool is trouble-free.

100% of our customers recommend us

Our customers rate us
with a 9.5.

Safety and hygiene for you and your baby

Always new and original disposables, which is very safe.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainability is a hot topic nowadays. And rightly so, we think! We at Birthpools are also very aware of the impact we have on the environment.

That's why we plant trees with Trees for All, donate clean drinking water to third world countries with Made Blue and recycle and repair birthpools with Edel Immersys.

In this way, we offset more than we emit. This makes Birthpools the most sustainable provider in Europe!

Reviews from our customers

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De bevalling zal voor iedereen een heel persoonlijke ervaring zijn. Een bad als dit is een grote toegevoegde waarde, vanuit onze ervaring. Maar zeker als het gaat over de service en kwaliteit van dit bad en het bedrijf, kan ik absoluut 5 sterren geven! Zeer goede service - van bestelling tot pick up. De recycle optie hadden we niet zo goed onderzocht vooraf en in the heat of the moment toch niet ingezet. Dat zou mijn tip zijn: bekijk dat proces vooraf.
De accessoires van het bad is binnen de afgesproken tijd geleverd. Helaas het bad en de accessoires niet kunnen gebruiken, omdat het een medische bevalling is geworden. Na retourneren van de accessoires, is het bedrag direct geretourneerd. Prima ervaring dus.
Bevallingsbad gehuurd voor mijn thuisbevalling. Bad werd tijdig geleverd en was voorzien van alle bijgevoegde spullen. Het bad is makkelijk op te zetten en heeft duidelijke instructies voor het opbouwen en opruimen. Ik raad dit product aan!


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